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LaMonika Jones




⭐️ God Chaser ⭐️ Food justice and (racial) equity advocate ⭐️ PoliSci/Government Junkie ⭐️ Child and Adult Anti-Hunger Advocate ⭐️ Tapestry Maker 🥦 Local sourcing champion: I educate our community about the benefits of consuming and integrating locally grown and harvested foods into their meals specifically to our most marginalized populations. Let’s support our black and brown farmers. 💰 Procurement Guru: 15 years experience in purchasing, supply chain and government contracting. I now assist federal grant recipients (child nutrition program providers) purchase goods and services according to federal regulations. 🎙 Podcaster: @tapestryprojectatlanta - A tapestry is a beautifully woven, intricate design of multifaceted materials fashioned together to make one masterful work of art. Tapestry Project Podcast evokes conversation on how we can build as people in hopes of creating a beautiful work of art called community. 📚 Author: “Destiny Moments” - Every moment, exchange and experience is purposely and intentionally orchestrated to shape our destiny. Let me tell you about how I’ve embraced my destiny moments. 📍Georgia Peach with a Detroit Soul