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Monique Johns




Out of the BOX Thinker! I’m a Strategist Leader! Relationship Specialist! Empower people to walk in their destiny through Knowing Who you are! FOCUS! FOCUS! FOCUS! 😍 🎙Talk Show Host.. The LadyMo Show Tuesday & Thursdays @8pm Est Relationship Dr... How to be Married4LIFE, 💒💒 🏟Life Coach... Knowing Who you Are!!! Help people to discover their DIFFERENCE. Lead, guide, motivate, and encourage people to think out the box. 🥰🥰🥰 Author: No More Drama in my Life Don’t Marry Potential; Marry Purpose... It Will work; if you Work it’ CEO... Non-Profit .. ‘A Helping Hand’ I’m a Servant to: Seniors, Veterans, those that are incarnated or in a re-entry program, and youth. A 💗for the People. President.... Dream Leadership Institute .. teach workshops such as: Confidence 101, Safe yourself; not protect yourself. 💸💸Entrepreneur .... Vision Group... creating business owners, writing their strategic plan, and helping them execute it. 👸👸Pageant Girl Talent: Actress, Singer, Make it happen Chic... tell me what you need; I make it happen. 🦵🏾🦵🏾🦵🏾 Community Activist... Politician that 🥊🥊for the People. Public Speaker ... Empower & Motivate ...Men, Women, and Youth to dominate in the world. Prophet.. Speak Life and Truth through the voice of God. Pastor... a group of Great people Christian.... I Believe that All things are possible through my BFF... The Holy Spirit. Cash app: MoniqueSJohns Email: [email protected]