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Freudeline St Jean




The BluePrint of prayer workbook This book was designed to equip, train, educate, challenge and empower your prayer life. ✅ host: Prayer for our nation, every Monday at 10Pm EST via conference call 848-233-1220 ✅ host: morning glory via conference call 848-233-1220 6am est every Friday ✅🏫 Blueprint of Prayer Online classes Class start February 2023 to register call 267-586-5979 or email [email protected] 👩‍🍳 serving dinner every Monday and Friday at 6pm and breakfast on Sunday at 930am; to volunteer text 267-586-5979 or join us 3959 Lancaster ave Philly ✅The Blue Print Of Prayer book 📖 Preorder Hey everyone don’t forget to pre order your copy of our new prayer book Thank you so much 🗣more to come in Jesus name! ✅GroupMe: women of many hats ✅Cash App $womenofmanyhats ✅stay connected: ✅email: [email protected] ✅office number: 267-586-5979 Mother/ Minister/ Mentor/ PrayerWarrior Called/ anointed for this Hour 🩸 🩸 🩸 ⚔️ ⚔️ ⚔️ 🙏🙏Shabbat Shalom