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Kristy-Lea Tritz




Online Business Consultant 🖥 Tech Expert 🤓 If you’re looking to create an online course or digital funnel I can help you by: *assisting you in identifying your first sellable idea *planning out your digital offering suite *designing your sales pages and funnels *creating your workbooks and planners *utilizing the tech you need to make it all work. My true passions: *helping others 🤝 *painting (oil & watercolour) 👩🏻‍🎨 *faith ✝️ *family👨‍👩‍👦 After being diagnosed with cancer in Feb of 2021 life became more about JOY and less about worry…it became more about leaving a LEGACY and less about what others thought of me. PEACE comes when you realize this moment is the only one that matters. If I am blessed to have our paths cross in this life may you know I will always be truly present with you! ❤️