Kat Worsfold
I'm a Kiwi Canuck. Born and raised in Ontario, lived there the first third of my life. Lived in NZ the other 2/3 of my life (except 5 years in Australia). Retired music performer - my husband and I toured NZ, parts of Australia and parts of Canada for many years at primary schools and other venues, making our living with several drama/music shows. We also played for country dances in the evenings and the odd folk club concert and house concerts. Now I enjoy playing Irish music with friends on a few instruments (main instrument piano-accordion) plus researching and learning about the situation our world is in. I'm not "right wing" or "left wing", and want to get away from labels. I stand for freedom of speech and medical freedom. Against coercion, government overreach and the New World Order. I enjoy learning new things, and have joined some clubs on here, to learn about some alternative health practices and also to learn about our human condition, and how we got to this point where we're at, by looking back at history. Happily married long term vegan musician, living in the sticks. Retired, and now have a small animal sanctuary, with four cats, 45 roosters and three alpacas. Would love to connect with kindred spirits. Online friendships and "follows" welcome, but crypto info and "get rich quick" info not welcome. 🇨🇦