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Yoshihiro Utsumi




⭐️Official Branding Professional of Japan Gov. ⭐️🇯🇵→🇸🇪Malmö→🇩🇰🇬🇷🇳🇱🇨🇳🇮🇹🇭🇰→📍🇯🇵 ⭐️65,000 more friends in Facebook (by 15 accounts) 神戸市文化振興財団内  神戸文化マザーポートクラブ事務次長 ✳️🇯🇵公 職 ☝️内閣府 地域活性化伝道師  ☝️日本貿易学会 理事  ☝️兵庫県地域再生アドバイザー  ☝️BE KOBE 理事 ☝️関西日本香港協会 理事 ☝️長田商業高校評議員 ☝️日本パン学会 常務理事 👌ミス日本ファイナリスト講師 詳しくは 内海芳宏 もしくは Yoshihiro Utsumi で検索ください ✳️My OFFICIAL TITLES 👍 Cabinet Office, Gov. of JAPAN / Registered Specialist for Regional Activation 👍 Japan Academy for International Trade and Business / Director 👍 Hyogo Prefecture Gov.,Regional revitalization / Adviser 👍 Japan Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry / registered branding Expert 👍 The society for bread studies of Japan / Managing Director 👍 The Japan HongKong Society of the Kansai / Director 👍 Kobe Marathon / Registered Branding Strategist 👍 BE KOBE MP committee / Producer Etc.. total 20more official titles ✳️others ☝️Composer (King Record Tokyo) ☝️Oil painter artist ☝️carving artist (Utsumi Kobo) ☝️Recording specialist by analog tools (@uMs Org. Est. 1982) ☝️Contrabassist (Doublebassist) ☝️Pianist ☝️Guitarist ☝️Electric Bassist 🎉Tic Tok @ucchankobe ✳️YouTube ✳️LinkedIn The UtsuMichelin Guide (Est.1991)