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Khalid Mansoor




I breath FDA. Dream MedTech. 📍Southern California 🧬 I work in the medical devices & diagnostics industry. 🧪 I am passionate about seeing new medical technologies, bringing innovative medical solutions that not only are safe and effective but also offer a great user experience. 💼 My functional expertise is helping organizations navigate through the complex and evolving maze of regulatory pathways and compliance issues. 📈 I am asked in my core teams: How can we bring this product to our customers? What is the “least” painful way to do this, and how can you help us get there? What is the strategy? These answers are not straight forward. Often “It depends.” The reality is this is a highly regulated industry and we are held accountable for patient safety. A sound regulatory strategy is key to everything that follows in the product development process. Therefore I consider Regulatory Affairs an extremely important business function for the industry. Specific Interests 💉 Diagnostics 🩸 Sepsis ⚕️ Digital Health 🦿 AI/Machine Learning 🧬 Gene Sequencing 🧠 Neuroscience / Psychology Outside of professional interests: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 family 📸 photography 🎬 screenwriting 🍿old Bollywood movies & songs 🧗‍♂️outdoor adventures 🇵🇰 Coke Studio, Cuisine, Urdu ✈️ travel 🤑 personal finance Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or via DMs (most active on LinkedIn). Interested to network and hear good ideas.