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Kirstine Stewart




CRO @pex empowering the creator, driving the creator economy. Former Future of Media&Sport @wef. VP @Twitter US Media Team. PreIPO Founding Head @TwitterCanada. Chief @CBC (Cdn network TV & Radio & Digital) Author Bestselling Biz Book “Our Turn” @randomhouse. Media/Content Tech Dev Startup board advisor DMZ & Charter C100 Nonprofits: Coalition of Innovation Leaders Against Racism. Prosperity Project (for the socio-economic empowerment women founding member). CAMH (Center for addiction&mental health) womenmind Currently in LA, wife of Consul G (and former TV Imam Little Mosque on the Prairie:) @zaibshaikh 🇨🇦 Former Young Global Leader and top 40 under 40 - now so much older and wiser.