Tammy Carter




Minister/Educator/Author- Empowering the people of God to process and progress towards their God-given purpose. Ministry: Kingdom Apostolic Ministries International (501(C)3) “Know your assignment, and who you are assigned to. Let us know one another by the spirit of God I’M ON HERE FOR MINISTRY ONLY! NOT FOR BITCOIN OR DATING! Clubhouse Services: 👑Kingdom Tribe 👑- Thursday at 7:00pm(EST) 🙏🏾Prayer Chamber🙏🏾 - NOW on Spreaker🔥 🎙Kingdom Apostolic Ministries International 🎙Podcasts🎙on Spreaker- “Word Alive” Bible Study - Wednesdays at 7:00pm - Prayer Chamber- “Morning Glory” - Weekday mornings Education📚 Bachelors - Business/Management Masters - Curriculum & Instruction Masters - I/O Psychology PhD - Student- Christian Education & Leadership 📚Author - “Manifesting the Promise” 📘Author - “40 Days of Glory” $tbcarter9 https://linktr.ee/tbcarter9