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Kimberly Sundt




💥 Two related things-1) Creator of customer experiences that strengthen your marketing in the lifestyle industries such as interior design, boutique hotel, and retail industries. 2) Creator of tools, tips, and inspiration for women to take personal/solo planning retreats. Not sure how these are related? Send me a message on IG! (I promise I won’t try to sell you anything LOL! I’ll just connect the dots.) Customer experiences that build your brand, make emotional connections, and keep your clients talking about you. Make sure you are memorable and mentionable! Have you done a personal retreat? It is my #1 best biz and personal tool. It CHANGED MY LIFE. Topics I ♥️ to talk about: 🥂 Brand consistency-through every touchpoint. 🥂 Making emotional connections with your clients and customers. 🥂 Marketing by Design for interior designers 🥂 How to Walk in Your Customer’s Shoes. 🥂 The Power of a Personal Retreat. Are you an interior designer or simply in a biz where the aesthetic is one of your highest values? I can help you with brand voice, visual and vision and get your brand working FOR you. Connect on IG ⤵️