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Kimberly Charron




👩🏻‍💻Certified Online Business Manager (OBM) 👩🏻‍🏫Homeschool Coach 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Mom of 2 👾Geek 🧶Knitter Helping busy consultants, coaches, bloggers, authors & SaaS founders free themselves up to concentrate on their zone of genius. 👉 Helping parents think outside the box and enjoy homeschooling their kids. 👉 I'm speaking at the Life Skills summit. Register free here: As seen in: 📺 🎙 📰 Toronto Sun, CBC, Global News, CTV, Shout Your Cause Podcast, Halifax Today Other interests: ✍️ Writing (nonfiction) 🎭 Theatre (acting, directing, SM, stage mom) 🎞 Film (background actor) 🖥 Tech 🗂 Productivity (Asian Efficiency Member) 🧶 Hand-spinning + other fiber arts 🎮 Gaming 💃Tap dance 🇨🇦 Canadian ✝️ Christian