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Khadija Harris




🙏🏽:God Lover 👩🏽‍💻:Momtrepreneur 👩🏽‍🏫: Hair Educator 👁:Visionary 🎓Founder of a non-profit designed to enhance the culture of gifting for education. Looking to make connections for sponsorship and start-up grant opportunities. @educationbucks Instagram & Facebook 💆🏽‍♀️ Senior Cosmetologist for over 12yrs Schedule a Virtual Consultation today! Seen on: •NBC news for Daddy and Me hair care class •USAToday social media content page 🙋🏽‍♀️Hair Care Educator offering: •Adult Hair Care Classes •Parent and Me Hair Care classes. •Corporate Hair Sensitivity Training •Cornrow 101 Classes My Quotes “Healthy hair lives on a healthy body.” “Keep your hair out of harsh elements” “Don’t be a product junkie” “Cornrows should not hurt!”🗣 📚Author of Old Silly Dog a funny children’s book that tells the story of boy name Kingston and his hopes of making a friend in his new neighborhood available via Amazon! @oldsillydog Instagram & Facebook