Joseph Yaupon
向來不缺忠義人 李戴張冠何處忍 風趣健談得人緣 寸草春暉照汝心 胸懷大志老常在 修身治國吾師道 齊家天下百千丈 臥薪嘗膽恩義重 非為名利執牛耳 君子一言驥莫追 其道而行任重遠 不致可否昭日月 敬畏留芳壯河山 Born in British Hong Kong Raised in Texas Lived in New York State Currently in SoCal -Law firm case manager - immigrations, debt reconciliation, worker’s compensation, Divorce, trust and probate. Federal and California cases. -Founder of US-Hongkongers Jobs/Careers Group on Facebook -Co-Club founder, Hong Kong Voice, Clubhouse. -Co-founder, web radio talk-show host , West Coast Creative Production - Former ASE and I-CAR certified automobile professional and collision/insurance claim estimator -Former Legislative Council Guest speaker in Hong Kong -Family descendant of Field Prize Recipient -Family descendant of well-known military commander of Ancient Taiwan -Strong supporter of 2nd amendment of the U.S. Constitution. licensed open carry and conceal carry. -Astrology and Fateseeking enthusiasts Disclaimer: My Attendance/Participation/Moderation does not necessarily equivalent to endorsement. Conversation made in Clubhouse does not construed as a attorney-client relationship, which provides or convenes legal advice. 政治、經濟、歷史、文化、歌唱、娛樂、八卦、天文地理、信仰命理,共研之,共勉之。 “the more you know, the more you don’t understand “ 🇺🇸 From sea to shining sea 9/11 WTC Never Forget 「仗義執言」 急事,要慢慢講。 大事,要清楚的講。 小事,可幽默的講。 無把握的事,要謹慎地講。 無發生的事,不要亂講。 做不到的事,別隨便講。 傷害人的事,不能講。 討厭的事,小心地講。 開心的事,睇場合講。 傷心的事,不要見人就講。 別人的事,最好唔講。 自己的事,聽聽自己的心怎樣講。 現在的事,做了再講。 未來的事,未來再講。 如果對我有不滿意的地方,請一定要對我講。 樂不可極,樂極生悲。 不勞而獲無道理,勞而不獲無天理。 交一友要千言萬語,失一友只三言兩語。 富貴如浮雲,得失不須記。