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Kendrick Avant




YAAAS! There's a difference between grateful & Gratitude! Writing or recording your WHY is the difference. Creating testimonials of the GOOD in your life to slow negative thoughts and improve your Inner G (energy). —-------------------- PPMS'er | Gratitude Blogger | YouTuber | Podcast Host | Influencer | T-shirt stylist rolling a wheelchair  I started an online gratitude journal to help Wheelchair Users FEEL this magic. Every day, I’m leading Wheelchair Users to BE better by talking and telling stories of my personal Gratitude Journal, sharing wellness practices & wheelchair tips. It’s called… ** 💛 increase positivity  🧡 prioritize mental health ❤ improve communication  💚 discover strengths  —--------------------         👨🏾‍🦼  My blog is an interactive experience based on living (Gratitude OVER Disabilities) Subscribers have inspiration to finish & make changes!  *updated DAILY* —--------------------           ▶️ My Youtube channel is designed to help Wheelchair Users through education, entertainment, and inspiration! ---------------------    mindset OVER bullshit w/ Kendrick Avant          🎙Created for Wheelchair Users and Tribespeople rocking chronic illness. WE learn, laugh, and share motivation.  ♡available: Apple, Spotify, Google, iHeart, YouTube, Podbean,    ----------------------  💵  • CashApp Donations: $KendrickAvant           💵. • PayPal Donations: @kendrickavant0116 FB: @KendrickAvant  IG: @KendrickAvant  LinkedIn: KendrickAvant TikTok: @KendrickAvant "If you can’t GET better physically, BE better mentally.”      ~Kendrick Avant~