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Kim Nautilus




📍NJ-based introvert 🇭🇹 L'union fait la force!!! ♊️ Juneteenth Baby 👩🏾‍💻📈Instructional Designer/Researcher 👩🏾‍🏫 PhD Student - Education Research ✈️ Put me on a plane ASAP because I love traveling! 🌠 Innovative designs and dope energy fuels me! 📮Let’s connect! Twitter, IG, or LinkedIn 📳 Let’s Talk: networking/collaborating, design thinking, learning design research, UX research, ID, Edtech, usability testing, AI/VR, arts & crafts/DIYs, procreate, Jersey, east coast, natural hair, nails, stocks, reality TV, animal crossing, . . . and beyond.