Kay Lima
Interior Design | Sustainability | Healthy Materials 🌟Founder, Kay Lima Design 💻 kaylimadesign.com Beautiful spaces that incorporate sustainable and healthy living. 💬 TOPICS I’M INTERESTED IN: - Interior Design & Architecture - Entrepreneurship - Antique & Vintage Furniture - Sustainability & LEED Green Building - Healthy Materials - Art and supporting artists - Mentorship & networking in design ✨ ARE YOU: - Developing tech for interior designers or the design industry? - Someone who wants to learn more about eco-friendly and healthy furnishings? - An artist making sustainable pieces? .... Let's chat! 👋 IG: @kaylimadesign [email protected] 📋 CAREER: - Former director of technology - Problem-solver - Servant leader - Mentor to women in tech - Supporter of mission-based orgs - Nonprofit arts board member Ask me about: agile project management, WordPress, creative strategy, product management, UX, account management, and front-end dev 🏔 ABOUT ME: - Colorado (originally MA) - Vegan 🌱 - Enjoy hiking and running - LEED GA - Member @theGFDA - Collector of chairs🪑 - Parlo un po italiano 💻 kaylimadesign.com ✉️ [email protected] 👇Let’s connect on IG!