Katie Drew-Jensen
Founder/CEO ~ 🎤Awaken the Speaker Within Academy & Retreats (Join Club @awakenthespeakerwithin) We help folks turn their purpose & passion into profits, expand their influence & impact on stage or online through our “Awaken & Monetize your Message” Academy. 🙌🏼 In my 35 years of Entrepreneurship, I’ve launched… 🩺 A chain of Medical Spas 💵 Franchise Brokerage company ✈️ A Private Air Charter company 🎤 Speaker Academy CONNECT with me here! www.linktr.ee/zatpha 📞 Ping me @ 970.901.4137 🎁 GIFTS & FREEBIES 🎁 👇(www.linktr.ee/zatpha)👇 🎯 Download my FREE 7-Point Speaker Success Formula! ✍️ NEW MASTERCLASS! “5 Shifts to turn your Purpose to Profits with One Award-Winning Signature Talk!” 🔱 GROUPS/CLUBS 🔱 ✳️ CH CLUB @awakenthespeakerwithin🎤 ✳️ CH CLUB @breadforthehead🥖 🔵 FB: facebook.com/groups/clubhousefbgroup 🔴 Meetup: awakenthespeakerwithin-global Beach lover🏖 Dog mama 🐶 Wine sipper🍷 Aviation geek ✈️ Serial entrepreneur 🤓 Mom to amazing humans👫 Living a life of joy & gratitude 🙏🏻 Founder & CEO @ Awaken the Speaker Within Academy & Retreats 🎤 ☔️ Seattle raised. 🏔 Colorado bred. 🏖 Laguna Beach based. Hosting rooms & Podcast Guest on: 🎤 Crafting an Award-Winning Signature Talk! 💰 Monetize your Message! ❤️ Be the Heart-Centered CEO! 💪🏼 Information vs Transformation! 🦸🏻♀️ Be the SUPERHERO of your own Life! 🔍 Simplify your Business, Magnify your Life! 🚀 Launch techniques that produce BIG results! —>Join my FB Clubhouse 👋 Group: Clubhouse Connections for Self-Growth, Wellness & Bio-hacking I am here to learn, inspire, share insights, serve, grow and spread joy. 🙌🏼 “There’s no escaping reason, no denying purpose. Because as we know, without purpose, we would not exist.” -The Matrix I’ll take the red pill 💊 Meet me @ Awaken the Speaker Within (www.linktr.ee/zatpha)