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Katie Brinkley




Teaching entrepreneurs how to develop a social media strategy since MySpace! 🎉 Learn how to close in the DMs (without being spammy) with my FREE guide! DM me “social” on Instagram for your free copy! 💻 Social Media Strategist for 18+ years 🎙 Former Radio Reporter (Broncos, Rockies, Avs, and Nuggets) 📻 PODCAST Host ➡️Rocky Mountain Marketing ➡️NFT Ninjas Podcast ➡️Across The Pond -NFL ➡️ I help folks in the following industries create a social media STRATEGY to generate new leads and build community around their brand: 🏹 Entrepreneurs 📈 Coaches 📎 Business Owners ✒️C-Suite Executives Featured in: 📺 FOX 📺 Ticker News ✏️ Voyage Magazine ✏️ Authority Magazine ✏️ Shout Out Colorado You can find me spending time on Clubhouse discussing: 👋Clubhouse strategies 🌈 Instagram strategies 📻 Podcast Tips 🎙Interview Tips ✳️ Social Media strategies 🏹Entrepreneurship 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Momprenuership 🏈 NFL football ☕️ Avid Coffee Lover 💕 📍Denver, CO Let’s be friends on LinkedIn too! Connect with me in the DMs! ⤵️