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Kate Nova




Join the Good Juju Club: the Power of Prayer🙏 Holistic Hypnotherapist NLP Master Prac Emotional Health Warrior Producer of the Real Raw Open Show ⚡️ All things Mindset 🧠Heart❤️Business🤝Holistic living🌱in life and business ✨Perspective shifter and heart mind coherence 💖On a mission to end cultural hypnosis ✨Heart to heart conversations 💖NLP Master practitioner ✨Reiki Master ✨Heart centered leader 💖CHEK Holistic Lifestyle coach ✨ Operation Underground Railroad volunteer #savethechildren 💖Tonyverse (Tony Robbins Universe) Helping you to get into the origin of your paradigms, beliefs and subconscious programs that have positive and negative impact on your life. Went from anxiety to peace of mind, over eating to a healthy relationship with my body, depressed to open and hungry for life, from not feeling enough/worthy to confident and full of self love. And can help you do the same ❤️🙏 Let’s unify your head and heart and bring out the BEST in you DM for free discovery call ❤️ 🧠 📮 ⬇️