Kason Lane
📚 Book~Broken Woman Within📚 💃🏾Mandate- To help 1 million women worldwide to Heal from Broken Hearts & Become the Woman of Power God has Purposed them to be.💃🏾 💎Diamond in the Ruff u will Shine💎 👑I am an Aspiring Author & Minister who loves Empowering women to their God given Purpose & Destiny! A Queen after God’s own heart who has allowed God to define the Essence of my Inner Beauty while developing the Woman of Power he has Called me to be. I am Utilizing & creating with the gifts he instilled within in me.👑 💫Encouragement/Writing/Faith/Wisdom SELF-LOVE/RELATIONSHIPS/HEALING/PURPOSE 💫 💃🏾Woman of Power by Minister Sondra Lane💃🏾 Define Essence of your #INNERBeauty 💕A community of International women where we are bringing fourth a movement of women who are developing into Women of Power through defining the Essence of Our Inner Beauty💕 🌺Encouraging women from all walks of life to receive Healing from brokenness, child hood trauma & relationships, Sis it’s time to be FREE! To Let go & let God bring Restoration into your Life🌺 🦋Get the Life u Deserve by Seek & Finding your God given Purpose! Purpose gives you the fulfillment in Life that You have been Desiring.🦋 🎁Self Love is Key to Wholeness On your Journey of Self- Love we must understand we must forgive ourselves, learn to Love ourselves & allow God to Love us deeply within our mind, body, soul. Self- love is a crucial component in life that many don’t understand that can make or break your purpose. Understanding yourself as a proverbs 31 woman will help u to be protected, cherished & loved in a manner that will bring divine protection to your heart & purpose.🎁 💕Relationship-My experience in the past has been in relationships & choosing the wrong love. Ladies we must take time to heal before moving forward in relationship. When you don’t take time to heal u become a target, & in a repeated cycle of relationship trauma. U must rip that ban-aid off & deal with the brokenness inside u by allowing God to Heal u, Learn to love yourself & find Purpose💕 👑Woman of Power it’s time to define the essence of your Inner beauty & become who God purposed u to be & be Loved like the Queen u Are👑