Karen Commins
Atlanta audiobook SHARE-rator I help #narrators and #authors discover new possibilities for their work! 🌅 KarenCommins.com Chief cartographer for 🛣 NarratorsRoadmap.com, THE destination for narrators of all levels — now with the world’s first CASTING DIRECTORY FOR NARRATORS ✨ ✋ You’re invited to join the Narrators Roadmap House! It’s open to all. https://www.clubhouse.com/house/narrators-roadmap Be part of the conversation in the fortnightly Pit Stop room! I accidentally deleted my 9/16/22 Ask Me Anything from Clubhouse (😢), but you can still hear it at my link below! https://bit.ly/ComminsAMA9-16-22 📰 Newsletter and blog eepurl.com/cF3un9