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Kara Firman




🤓Hair Nerd 🇨🇦Entrepreneur💡Education Junkie♥️Confidently Awkward👇🏼👇🏼More👇🏼👇🏼 (She/Her) 🌎 Saskatoon,SK Canada 💼 Owner of GUIDE Hair Salon-commission based salon company @guidehairsalon 💼 Owner The Guild Studios-salon suite collective space @theguildstudios ▪️Educator L’Oreal Professionnel 🇨🇦 ▪️ Chair for the Hairstyling Trade and Apprenticeship Board of Saskatchewan ▪️Gold Member of the Master Judges Panel of Canada ▪️ Top 100 semi-finalist for 2022 Canada’s Total Mom Pitch presented by The Scotiabank Women Initiative, powered by Godaddy! ♥️Obsessed with the Hair + Beauty industry and advocating to narrow the gaps found within it. 📚 I love connecting people to the right resources- be it a person, podcast, book etc. 📣 “In the future there won’t be female leaders, there will just be leaders” -Sheryl Sandberg 💃🏻 I’m all about the high-kicks which is why I’ll always be wearing shorts under my skirts 👋🏽 Feel free to reach out- I love to connect!______________________________ JOIN THE ♣️ Canadian Hair + Beauty Group ========================= DMs are always welcome 💌