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Kalham Amor




Model | ♿️ MCTD | She/Her Instagram & Twitter: @KalhamAmor Kalham.eth Founder of: @CuteThingsNFT / Playboy: ✨C R E A T I V E | 🎨 A R T: ❤️‍🔥Modeling ⚡️Creative Direction 📸Photography E N T R E P R E N E U R: 🎨 Founder of CuteThingsNFT ♻️ Designer of PoPachei H O B B I E S: 📸 Photography 🏋️‍♀️ Fitness 🍥 Anime 📓E D U C A T I O N -BS in Communication Sciences P E R S O N A L: 🪐Humanist ✨12 yrs recovered from anorexia nerviosa 🦓Chronically ill 🏳️‍🌈LG𝗕TQI𝗔2S+