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Lisa M. Sanchez




Mom | author | certified life coach | higher ed HR exec | womanist | self & women’s empowerment | mental health advocate | DEI-diversity-equity-inclusion and culture shift leader | public speaker 🌈🌍🌸🦋🤱🏽🗣 Si, se puede. 👩🏽‍🦰Pronouns: She/her/hers/ella; Afro-Latina (Panama; Ecuador) 🇵🇦 🇪🇨 📚I’m on Amazon, Walmart & Barnes and Noble. “Looking for Love in a Garbage Can: A Journey of Healing - How I Survived an Alcoholic Environment.” It’s my harrowing, mental health story of living in an alcoholic environment. The trials, challenges and tribulations; my own dysfunctional love relationships; and my journey of healing and forgiveness. Now booking TV, radio & podcast interviews. “Forgiveness is freedom. Never let ill feelings about people or your circumstances take up residency in your heart.” Lisa M. Sánchez 👩🏽‍💻Founder/CEO, JustDigin2It LLC: Provides life coach services to help people dealing with difficult challenges in their lives —domestic violence, crippling codependency from living with someone struggling with addiction or needing help digging out of their circumstances. It’s not enough to lean in. You have to just dig in to it, baby! Get dirty. Do the work to change your life. [email protected] Co-Founder, The Positive Platform: Lifting and Living with Lisa and Lori - created to provide leadership, inspirational & educational programs for women, girls and the HR community. IG: @wearepositiveplatform “Journaling: The beauty of it is the awakening — that moment when you can sit in silence, in meditation, and get to know yourself. There’s empowerment in the discovery. The adventure of introducing you.” Lisa M Sánchez Speaker on various topics: ✅diversity, ✅equity, ✅inclusion, ✅organizational culture, ✅self-help, ✅self-empowerment I believe in MHO’s (mental health outlets). For me, it’s a daily walk while listening to reggaeton. MHO’s create a healthy work-life balance. 🚶🏾‍♀️🎼 Board member #pihrapasadena #WinWithBlackWomen #Justice4GeorgeFloyd042021 #Breonna’sLaw #BLM #StopAsianHate #LoveisLove Favorite quote: “Life will give you whatever experiences are necessary for the evolution of your consciousness.” Eckhart Tolle 📚Favorite books: In the Meantime Eat Pray Love The Four Agreements The Power of Now A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose 💃🏿🎵Love reggaeton; dancing salsa and the beautiful dance Kizomba; ❤️Dallas Cowboys; LV Raiders 🏈 LA Clippers; Lakers 🏀 ❤️🌮🍕🍟👠🛫🚢Foodie; shoeaholic, traveling