Juli Dempsey
🏴 🤔Dreamer / 🔥Doer 🪢🧨Entrepreneur | Social Enterprise creator 🍸 Distiller - Isle of Cumbrae Distillers; makers of multi-award-winning Nostalgin, Croc Rock Gin, and Restoration Gin. 🍸 Out latest gin, Maura sold out batch 1 in 58 minutes! 😳🤭 🏴 🏝 Isle of Cumbrae | Millport | Scotland Lover I moved here 4 years ago from California...so you *know* it must be special! ♻️🌏🌍🌎 ♻️ Minimal Waste / Sustainability Promoter ☺️ 🧘 🧡 Mental Health Advocate 🐶 Dog lover / 🌳 Nature lover / 🥾Walker 📲 Apple Geek. Anyone remember The Newton? 🌼 Striving to do all I can...for as many as I can...in all the ways I can...for as long as I can. ✋🏼 Mods!: if I raise my hand to get on stage; in many cases I want to blink my microphone in support of a speaker. 😘