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Paul Richard




Education: Associate: Now Word Theology College Bachelors : Business Administration &management Masters: Education Curriculum & Instruction Trade: Senior licensed Forex Trader & blockchain expert What i do is impacting the lives of individuals and creating a change in the financial lives of every soul i have met. Am compassionate and I do pray and wish you all achieve to your aim. Az raised 🇺🇸 • Base in Yuma,AZ.🇺🇸 This is not for everyone, 🔞years and above only. Make some cool cash 💰 online 👇👇💯legit. Don't depend on your salary only, If you have a computer or smartphones, you can start earning $3400 with the investment of $200 In 3days of trading , without sending money to anyone but your trading account . Send me a DM here or send a text to My Instagram account in my BIO if you’re interested. Living and manifesting the Foundational Word of God that Shapes my Destiny: Gen 1:26, Heb 11:1, Is 60:1-5, Matt 6:33, Eph:3:20. Affirm teacher/trader/entrepreneur LINCENSED