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Judith B.




🇺🇲❤✊🏽ABOUT ME: (SIDENOTE/DISCLAIMER: I was AWOL for several months for technical reasons. Found peace & stayed there until my sister Hurricane invited me back - it'll take time to acclimate to new changes, so bear with me please.) ✅Honored to be a daughter of The Most High Yah, belonging to the Tribe of Obedience and grateful to be the weaker vessel of my Creator🙏🏻🕊♥️✊🏽! Just because I'm in a room DOES NOT 🚫 mean I fully endorse everything or everyone. I'm open to most discussions, but NOT DEBATES. Let's agree to disagree. I prefer edifying, encouraging, uplifting & clarifying with respect/love to both brothers & sisters...I'm open to being wrong, since I acknowledge I don't know it all. I'm the "million and one questions" lady, so don't take it personal or a challenge to your authority when I ask questions. "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." My faith is based on TMH & scriptures, including other books not canonized by the Catholic church. I'll respect our differences, so I expect the same. Don't try to infringe or impose YOUR beliefs on me, because I know I'm entitled to mine. I'm a perfectionist who believes in the journey itself-not the end goal, because NO ONE is perfect. I believe in self improvements, self healing, self accountability & dedicating time to maintaining a balanced life (physical, spiritual, psychological, financial). I'm comfortable in my own skin & have peace in my life... so I won't accept less. I hope I've left you with a different perspective, positive energy or peace and love... AND if you choose to follow, know that is what I'm about. Shalom and blessings🙏🏻🌹🕊
