🖤 ✨Here to serve✨ 👜 Advocator, Educator, Equalizer 🇺🇸 CH Admin - ALL Things FED©️ First and most importantly - God's baby girl.💯✝️💖 Mother of 5, Sister to 5, Friend to 5. ✨CONTACT INFO ✨ 📧 [email protected] ✨Career 🏛 Member Federal Senior Executive Service (SES) Corps (Ret) 👩🏽💼Cabinet Level Agency Deputy CIO 👩🏽💼Cabinet Level Agency Assistant CFO 👩🏽💼Chief Accounting Officer 👩🏽💼Director Financial Systems 👩🏽💼Auditor 👩🏽💼Accountant 👩🏽💼Developer/Programmer 👩🏽💼Instructional Designer 👩🏽💼Instructor ✨Boards Board of Directors, Center for Watershed Protection ✨ Legacy Projects 👩🏽💼Co-Owner “TUOIA” 👩🏽💼Owner “Galbreath Opportunity Development” ✨Education/Training: 🎓BS Austin Peay State University 🎓MBA Syracuse University 👩🏽🎓US Army Comptrollership Prog 👩🏽🎓Harvard/IBM JMDP 👩🏽🎓Department of Justice SES CDP 👩🏽🎓Leadership Maryland ✨CH Club “All things FED” 💎 Employment 💎 Contracting 💎 Leadership 💎 Emotional Intelligence 💎 Career Management 💎 Conflict Management 💎 Effective Communication 💎 Financial Management 💎 Program Management 💎 Strategic Planning 💎 CPIC (Capital Planning) 💎 Travel 💎 Human Resources 💎 Information Technology 💎 Cybersecurity/Privacy 💎 Appropriations Law 💎 Vendor Pay 💎 Accounting 💎 Budget ✨Developed Courses: 📝So You Want to Be a FED? 📝My FED Career Map 📝From Me to We - Leading FED Teams 📝I’m a New FED Supervisor - Now what? 📝Leading Without The Title 📝Communicating My Way to the Top 📝Appropriations Law 📝Management & Program Analysis 📝Cost Benefit Analysis 📝Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis 📝Budget Formulation 📝Budget Execution 📝Career Planning 📝Assessing Myself 📝Administrative Management 📝SES Prep 📝Federal Labor Standards Act 📝Administrative Management ✨Bucket List: 🙏🏽Dinner with Barack, Michelle, Joe, Jill, Kamala, Doug 🙏🏽 Hawaii “whole family” Christmas 🙏🏽 Owe Nothing (Not $, Not time) ✨Can’t Tolerate: 🚫 Fence Riders 🚫 Deliberate Saboteurs 🚫 Serial Victims 🚫 Pretenders/Grifters