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Gin Keller




🖌 Podcast Magazine: Society & Culture 🎙Embracing Courage podcast 🌺 All-In Clarity Facilitator Together, we can overcome doubt & fear as we discover joy, hope, and purpose in our life’s journey and path. 📝Have a Society & Culture podcast you’d like me to checkout? Email me at [email protected] 🎤 Guest & speaking topics available: Childhood trauma & PTSD Teen dating violence Stroke Care Advocacy for families Going All-In With Your Life: The Game of Life & Poker 🎙Interested in being a guest on my podcast? Do you have a story of courage & resilience? I’m a curator of inspiring, authentic people & love connecting great people with one another! I look forward to meeting you! ✨My intention on CH is to enjoy intelligent conversations, share openly and listen deeply.✨ 🧚🏼‍♀️Click on my Sociatap in my IG bio👇