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Robin Shear




JOY COACH & engaging speaker💥 If you want FUN living on purpose - with purpose - I’m your life coach (ICF-certified). Get more joy with my free newsletter . . . . HERE’S A QUICK JOY TIP 💥 Let’s keep your joy bucket full so you can keep giving and leading effectively. Take my quiz, “Are You Headed for Burnout?” . . . . 👉🏽 I can help you stay in the trenches, doing what you love, with a FULL joy bucket. . . . . COULD WE PLEASE HAVE MORE FUN? You work hard. You care about so many people & important things. Your life is full and demanding. If you keep going at this pace, you'll soon be running on fumes. Or not at all. Partner with me and learn how to have fun WHILE doing the things you love. . . . . FEAR NOT, WHATEVER YOU'RE FACING, WE'VE GOT THIS ☕️ I’ve spent almost 30 years seeing how joy impacts tough situations as a: ➡️ youth pastor & mentor of hundreds of teens filled with angst ➡️ dietitian/nutritionist helping people recover from eating disorders ➡️ activity specialist for senior citizens with Alzheimer's 💞 BUT my greatest role in life has been being a wife & MOM... and joy has made all the difference! With me as your coach, you can feel like YOU, even if your circumstances don't change. We don’t have to wait for your troubles to end first. . . . . Here’s a final JOY TIP: 🌻Make a JOY BUCKET LIST! Do it now before life throws a curve ball, because joy & resilience go together. Part of MY joy bucket list: 🧸 Making memories with my husband and young adult kids 🌱 Connecting with other humans ⛪️ Digging into my faith 🕊 Learning about other people’s beliefs 📻 Speaking from the stage, on podcasts & the pulpit 🤗 Being spontaneous 🌿 Distance biking 🏃 🤗 The wonder of nature 🤗 Bruno Mars 🤗 Gratitude 📎 Witnessing breakthroughs in coaching 🤗 Generosity 🍃 Mindfulness 🤗 Laughing until my sides hurt, my hand tingles from banging the table and the milk runs out my nose . . . . I can’t wait to connect! See you @