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Joshua Easter




MultiPassionate Community builder and connector, Dance Teacher, accessible Library services provider, and more. How can I help? 😊 📚SD Braille and Talking Book Library and SD State Library 👨‍🦯Library services for people with Standard Print Disabilities due to Blindness, vision loss, and physical impairments and disabilities) 😎 ⏺ Volunteer and audio talking book recording studios coordinator 🎙 #ThatAllMayRead 💃Dance Teacher (Ballet, Horton, modern) & studio co-owner; Hosanna Dance 📜New President, Dance Network of South Dakota nonprofit 🎥Founder Chat About Dance vid/podcast (launching soon!) 📍Local community builder - FB groups and page (connect locals to information and each other) 🌻South Dakota Master Gardener 🍎Education - the Lighting of a Fire, not the filling of a bucket. Was homeschooled/home educated K-12 🩰Cecchetti Council of America (ballet technique) teacher member 🕹 Nintendo Switch 🦸‍♂️ MCU and superheroes are great 🤩Nerd out about Social Media 📖 “For such a time as this...” Esther ➕ 🤝 Love helping others. ❤️ 🎙 Ask me to help moderate rooms or just ask me how Clubhouse works-always testing it. DM me on IG to connect and chat @JoshuaDEaster on most platforms including most social like IG, TikTok, And others as well as Venmo and Cash App 2nd IG: Joshua_D_Easter Connection, community, accessibility, libraries, dance, conversations I work full time in a state library that provides Audio and Braille books and magazines to those with standard print disabilities due to temporary or permanent vision loss, blindness, physical impairments that make it difficult to hold a book or turn pages, and other disabilities. I train and coordinate volunteers and recording studios in several locations in the state. Im also a partner in a small business LLC dance studio where I teach several evenings each week. I’m the president of state nonprofit Dance Network of South Dakota Founder of CH Club Dance, Theater, and Arts I enjoy facilitating conversations and connecting people to resources. Conversations about social media, branding, accessibility, disabilities, libraries, censorship, gardening, arts, Dance, and more I believe every day we should be learning and growing and I love helping others to Transform.