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Jon Kovach Jr.




🎙International Motivational Speaker🎤 🎙Global Mastermind Leader 🎤 🎙Habitude Warrior & Global Speakers Mastermind Facilitator🎤 🎙Chairman & Founder of Champion Circle Networking Association🎤 Nicknamed the “Master of Connections” by his mentors Levi McPherson & The Fritzsche Brothers! 🎙Amazon Prime Video Speaker Series Season 3 Episode Finale, SPEAK UP! 🎙Co-Author in 13 Steps To Riches, A Habitude Warrior Special Edition 13-Best-Seller Book Series 🎙Accountability & High Performance Coach 🎙Champion Mindset Coach - Elite Track & Field & Football Athletes 🎙Founder & Host of the Circle of Knowledge Podcast 🎙Habitude Warrior Mastermind Leader 🎙Global Speakers Mastermind & Masterclass Leader 🎙Award-winning and international motivational speaker 🎙Helped multi-billion-dollar corporations, Coldwell Banker Commercial, Outdoor Retailer Cotopaxi, and the Public Relations Student Society of America, exceed annual sales goals. 🎙Coached & mentored over thousand of professionals overcome challenges and achieve their goals 🎙Founder of the methodology: 4 Irrefutable Laws of High Performance