Here to hold all you liars and imposters accountable 🥷🏽✨ The most loved troll 😌😝😘🥰. It’s more fun to be the devils advocate 🤸🏽♀️😈🤸🏽♀️😏🤸🏽♀️ Usually when someone doesn’t agree with you they get mad then want to block you😂 BLOCK MEEEE 🗣️😈 Imagine not giving a damn what people think on an app that’s filled with actors, fake politicians, fake doctors, and weirdos who aren’t important that want to be heard so bad 🤣. I’m here to remind you weirdos it’s ok to think for yourself amongst all these slow ass followers. 😏 Remember clubhouse isn’t a real place! Love and light though✌🏽😚😈😁🤎🤎 ✨Entrepreneur ✨BarberStylist to some of your favorite people 📺🎬💈✂️ 🗽NYr in FL🛬 ♐️♐️♐️♐️♐️♐️♐️♐️♐️♐️♐️ 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻