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John Efe




Ephesian 2:8 -9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves. It is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. Blessing, glory, honor and power belongs to God and to his word. Jesus is coming soon, get ready. It is really urgent, that we believe and call on Jesus, that's all we need to be saved. This is really urgent, the signs of his coming abound. If you want to know the signs of his coming, please watch, brother Patrick's video. Not interested in business investments. @Java @Spring boot developer. @C# programming. @Programming Hobby: Making animations, programming. Would love to know other programming languages and ideas, in science and especially electronics. I am very open to learning, and I love to understand both sides of the coin. Cultivating more awarenes, skills etc.