John Mallinckrodt
Retired professor of physics, semi-professional musician, amateur photographer, agnostic atheist. I have infinite tolerance for ALL policy positions that are held honestly and defended in good faith. I have ZERO tolerance for transparent, willful dishonesty about documentable matters of fact and I WILL rudely interrupt you if you make an assertion that is flatly wrong as the PREMISE for an argument. I am ashamed of my country but I remain fervently pro-democracy even after my fellow American citizens decided in favor of fascism. I lost that battle and I won’t pretend that it wasn’t “the will of the people” nor will I mount an insurrection to overturn the will of the people. My last word on globe deniers: There is no shame in BEING stupid or ignorant no matter HOW stupid or ignorant. But there IS enormous shame in being dishonest at the level that is required to APPEAR to be THAT stupid or ignorant. So keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out. My Public Documents on Google Drive Webpage The J-Birds Soundcloud music page Reverbnation music page - originals from the 80s (!) Bluesky Facebook