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Joe Yang




MD - (DI) D Intelligence Tech | Creative | Data Enthusiast | Digital Integration | OTT platform | Lead Generation We provide Digital Solutions for Brands like One31, Gmm25, 9Entertain ,AIS , SCB, Krungsri,etc. Co-Founder of Horosociety - Horoscope marketing -Consultant committee of Silpakorn University Faculty of Music -Former External committee AIS startup -Former committee SIPA (Digital Startup) OV.75 | ABAC IBM| MAPS 1| KSME18| PPCIL3 Father of 2 Lived & worked in HK&China for 6 yrs Social Media: FB:Champ Muay Thai 275K followers FB:Man Karin 228K followers FB:Horosociety 183K followers FB:Korea Fandomme 72K followers FB:Womensense 32K followers FB:ZeeeGwat TV 39K followers YT:Champ Muay Thai 94.3K followers YT:DIDI Entertainment 109K followers YT:Horosociety 32.3K followers