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Joelle Geiger




“Be the rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” ~Maya Angelou ====================== BUSINESS: ☀️Virtual Assistant to Dynamos ☀️Marketing Assistant/Organizer ☀️Entertainer / Comedy ☀️Face Painter/Artist/Educator at Faces by Joelle ☀️Mindfulness Practitioner/Speaker ====================== MY PASSIONS: 🤣 Art & Comedy (Improv) 👩‍👧‍👧 Being a MOM ❤️ Philanthropic Endeavors 🆙 Empowerment 👦🏻 Working with Kids 🟰 Equality 🖤 🙏🏼 GOD & 🧬 Science Organizing Peeps ====================== OTHER NUGGETS: ☀️Cancer Survivor / Phoenix Rising ☀️Severe Kyphosis/Scoliosis & Chronic Pain Warrior ☀️Advocate: Mental Health, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Alopecia, Eating Disorders, Cancer, Disabilities ☀️Medically Fragile but FIERCE. ====================== I LOVE YOUR FACE ====================== #WellnessCollective #Evermindful #GratitudeMovement