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Joe Caruso




✳️Moderator Conversationalist Pizza Club 🍕 🇺🇸Clubhouse adds voice to LinkedIn! To be effective in connecting with people you need to be interesting and interested. You must first be interested in the other person in order to gain their attention before you can offer what's interesting about what you have to say. Having important comments conversations on Franchising & Supply Chain. Fractional Chief Development Officer 24,830 LinkedIn 1st Connections Join LinkedIn Pages Group Development Executive at franchise brands - Hardee’s Carl’s Jr. Roy Rogers Kiddie Academy Mrs. Fields Cookies Great American Cookies Pretzel Time Pretzelmaker Gloria Jean’s Coffee Havre de Grace, Maryland [email protected] Very serious on franchising, forever polite & never shy. Happy to debunk LinkedIn bad practices, myths and dangerous & reckless “LI Experterian” advice. Okay to ping me to your CH room to learn, participate & moderate. And your most important meal of the day is good pizza. ✔ Want to recruit new franchise owners & sell more franchises? Using the LinkedIn database for franchise recruitment sales is what I show franchisors & franchise sellers how to do. ✔ Suppliers & professionals want to sell more products & services to franchise brands. LinkedIn is the way you can do that. If you know how, and your sales team has the right prospecting routine you will win new business. ✔ Want to franchise your business & expand your brand. I have a program for that. And I’ll show you.
