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Jo Berry




Changing how we communicate from blame to empathy, from hatred to love, from punitive to restorative 💜 “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there’ Rumi Here to help resolve conflict 🙌🏽 💕Helping you build resilience and find meaning in adversity💕 Be empowered and break cycle of violence and revenge. 🧡 International speaker 🔈 Facilitator in Peace Building and Conflict Transformation🙏🏾 Coach to support you in transforming challenges into positive uplifting action. 🦋 Founder ‘Building Bridges for Peace’ dedicated to created to building peace in the world. My Dad was killed in a terrorist attack in 1984, the IRA were responsible. I vowed to bring something positive and understand the people who killed him, just two days after. I never wanted a enemy. I met Patrick Magee, the ex combatant who planted the bomb, in 2000 to see him as a human being. I listened deeply and was curious to hear his story. He said he was disarmed by the empathy I gave him. We have since become friends and for the last 20 years we have been speaking together around the world to create peace. Member of the Board of the Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace 🕊 🌎 Worked in Rwanda, Israel and Palestine, Lebanon, Bosnia, Mexico, South Korea and much more. 💕One of the stories at The Forgiveness Project💕 Founder of charity Building Bridges for Peace.🕊🏳️‍🌈 💓Sharing my story so people know what is possible 🌎Facilitating workshops in conflict transformation. 🌎Alchemy of turning hurt and pain into compassion and creating positive change 🌎Competition to Collaboration Bringing together people with opposing views to listen to each other. Always with huge safety. 🕊CEO charity Building Bridges of Peace, committed to building peace in the world. #Empathy #Humanity #Healing #Transformation #Reconciliation #Forgiveness 🌎 International speaker 💕Workshops on having a difficult conversation and transforming our challenges. ☕️Mentor in conflict transformation 🙏 Listener 🙏Mediator 💕Subject of film, Beyond Right and Wrong. 🖤 🌎TedX ‘Disarming with Empathy’ 🙏Contact me to be empowered to resolve your conflicts. 🙏Contact me to learn to turn your emotional pain into your gift 🎁
