Tessa White
🚀Top 20 Female Business Disruptors for 2021 🔥Straight-talking Career Navigation 🎯 Found in Forbes, CNN, WSJ, WaPo Reclaim control of your career and your work satisfaction ⭐️ Interviewing ⭐️ Pay Negotiation ⭐️ Career Strategy ⭐️ Promotability 🧠 | Rent-My-Brain at https://thejobdoctor.com 📚| The Lies That Got You Here: How to Reclaim Your Workplace Satisfaction | HarperCollins, Fall 2022 ➡️ TikTok @jobdoctortessa ➡️ Linked In: Tessa White ➡️ Instagram: @jobdoctortessa ➡️ YouTube: The Job Doctor 🎣 AVID flyfisherman. Seriously. 🧗🏻♀️Give me something to climb 🎷 Bring concerts back!