📈Grow your business & personal brand by integrating technology. 💻Founder / CEO of Wise Choice Media 🎙️Podcaster - The WISE Hour Podcast 🍏Moderator - The House of Creativity™️ 👇🏽Let’s Connect WHERE E-BOOK & Preorder of Softcover https://www.wisechoicemedia.us/products ℹ️*More about J.Melane 🖤 👉🏾 https://www.TheWiseHour..com 🎙* Co-host | The House of Creativity Live™️ (THOCLive!: Tech Thursdays) 📻 *Join us @ 🍏THOCLive! (M-F 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM ET) CEO - Delano A. Johnson: @delanoajohnson COO - Monique Lisa Johnson: @themoniquelisa 💰*Cashapp: $WiseChoiceMedia 💎Life motto “ To capture and enjoy every moment of life…” ✝️“Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7 NKJV #THOC #creative #empowerment #technology #creativemedia #cybersecurity