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Spiritual Vigilante 🧜🏿‍♂️🧛🏾🧝🏾‍♂️🧙🏿‍♀️🦹🏽‍♂️🔱 Lorde Cεdέκ ⲥⲉⲁ🥷🏿 de $£T⚜️Septuagint🔱”the consuls” councilman🏛 Jedi⚜️Twin, Nawfside Ranger🇧🇧 The imperial crown emperor🦂 Double headed eagle 🦅 join the club♣️let’s see if you’re wise or if you will be denied🔱 🎥 My Red Carpet Adventures... #TVJimi 🐉 #NextFriday #ThreeStrikesSDTRK #TheLastJediStarWars #LHHHVH1 #NCISLosAngelesCBS #StarWarsRogueOne #JimmyKimmelABC #SisterCodeFilmBET #SexDrugsNRockNRollFOX #UndercoverBoss #Actor #Fashion #HipHop #TV #Tech #Culture Instrumental to Pluto📺Tv Author ✍️ Knowledge of the Twin$et ☥ Food 🍱 Pantry owner The first w/ Harriet Tubman💵Money “I have a Gold Mind🧠” 💵 $Goldmindfactory 📧: [email protected] “He who has two faces, He is i and i am He”