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Jiazi Li




I had almost everything in my early 20s, but what’s the point when u gain the world but Lost Your Heart ? NOW fashion brand with a purpose & building an media & event empire 🌎 I dream my actions and I act my dreams. NFT 🧬 Crypto 🥸 China 🕊 California 🍄 Madrid ☀️ Consulting 💰 21岁时我已经和沃伦巴菲特吃过午餐,但是稍纵即逝的只是物质,而不是精神。fulfillment 硅谷人脉+海外资源 empresario de los Ángeles. anyone here based in madrid ? vx 1031776767 喜欢:静,看书,冥想 你呢? looking for female co-founder with tech background OR graphic designer 🕊 for equity DM me & we connect (thank u for being that one person read all this ! 谢谢你 muchas gracias)