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Jessica Salquist




National Board Certified Reflexologist 🦒Healer + 🌿Transformational and Wellness Coach + Advocate + Next Level: Good Vibes Only Podcaster + Creator + Lover of Life + Creator of Breathe + Flow + Meditation + Owner of Next Level Transformational Coaching + Quality Assurance Coach + Public Speaker +Ultra Runner + Poet [email protected] 🎙Check out the podcast. Next Level: Good Vibes Only Go to the link above ⬆️ and find us. Will you answer the call to adventure? ✍🏽Passionate about journaling, writing poetry, love, children’s books and quick reference books/articles (looking to finally share my poetry on this platform one day). ☮️Always looking for like minded people to moderate a group together to bring value to everyone’s life. 👩‍🎨Let’s create an environment for growth and self fulfillment. Closing the gap between who you are now and who you are capable of being. Let’s find out who and what you are capable of being. 🧘🏼‍♀️Focused on identity, goal setting, growth mindset, deep breathing, flow, meditation, reflexology + essential oils and healing, creating, gut health, strengths, fundamentals, inflammation, holistic healing, affirmations, coaching, fitness, nutrition and so much more.