Jenni Ruuth




💎Vanisher of vocal shame💎 🎶Sing | 🎤Speak | 📣Perform | 🧘‍♀️Yoga | 🧠Mindset | 🕉Meditation Online voice/ vocal and mental coach ———— 💎What do I do💎 ————- I help singers, speakers and performers to reveal the power of the unique voice so that they can inspire others and make an impact to the universe. 🎼Master of music 🎶Singing teacher 🌬Hoitava Hengitys® Certified breathwork trainer 🧘‍♀️Yoga teacher (200h) 💻 Online entrepreneur ✨Can I help you to overcome the internal obstacles you’ve made to claim your powerful (and shameless) voice?✨ Get your free 20min clarity call by sending me a DM “clarity”. —————💎On Clubhouse💎————— I’m here to learn, share, collaborate and find exciting opportunities to grow - and much more! ✳️ Founder of the club Voice without shame I’m happy to co-host rooms on topics related to my expertice! ✨Send me a DM just to say “hi” or if you have a idea for collaborating or co-hosting, I’ll be delighted to chat with you!✨ You find me also on LinkedIn @jenniruuth ——————💎 Me 💎—————— 👦🏼👦🏼 Mother of 2 boys 🗣 Voice enthusiast 🌲❄️ Nordic Nature lover 🧚‍♀️ Spiritual seeker ♌️ Leo