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Jennifer Felder-Smith




🤗 God loves you! He has a plan & purpose for you! 🌟 Purpose Coach | Prophetic | Woman of Faith | Business Strategist | Scale-up Queen | Social Enterprise Coach | Entrepreneur | ❤️ God & people ✨ My PURPOSE in life is to come alongside leaders and organizations to help pull out what God has placed inside them. To serve with love and grace (for others & myself) My Superpowers: ✨ Helping people discover and PURSUE their GOD-GIVEN purpose ✨ Helping early stage entrepreneurs SCALE UP their business (prioritizing faith based & social enterprises) ✨ Helping turn ideas into viable and PROFITABLE businesses My track record: ✅ 100% of the people I’ve worked with shifted into new careers or enterprises that are in alignment with their purpose ✅ In 2020, I provided pro-bono coaching or consulting to 50 leaders/businesses to scale their impact and profits (purpose alignment) -If you are struggling to get started, reach out.