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Jamie L. Chapman




📍Washington, DC | 🎈Certified Balloon Artist | 🗯Yard Card Designer | 💕Jay of Many Trades | 👋🏽Here to Learn, Share & Connect ✨DC Proper ✨DC Born ✨DC Raised ✨5th Generations DC Strong ✨DC Resident ✨DC Business Owner ❤️Did I say, I LOVE my city?! ➡️MY BRANDS⬅️ @JayElleCeeandCompany @BalloonsbyJayElleCee @YardCardsbyJayElleCee 🏠”Balloon World” Founder🏠 —-> Balloon Talk Wednesdays 8 pm EST ✳️”All Things Yard Cards” Mod✳️ —-> Sunday Chats 9 pm EST ➡️MORE ABOUT ME⬅️ 👑 Child of God 💍 Wife 🦸🏽‍♀️Mom 3💙💗💗 bio + 3 💗💗💙bonus ✍🏽Entrepreneur 🎈Balloon Nerd ♉️ Taurus Sun ♍️ Virgo Rising 📣Former Cheer Coach, Now Cheer Mom 🤼Former Youth Wrestling Coach 💕I Volunteer & Give Back ✳️ Ask me to Co-Mod on any of these topics ✳️ 🎉Motherhood 🎉Blended Families 🎉Private School for Your Kids 🎉Cheerleading (School & All-star) 🎉Yard Carding 🎉Balloons ➡️🔌CONNECT WITH ME🔌⬅️ 🎈🎈🎈Balloons🎈🎈🎈 IG & FB: @balloonsbyjayellecee 🗯 🗯🗯Yard Cards🗯🗯🗯 IG & FB: @yardcardsbyjayellecee 🎶 TikTok: @jayelleceeandcompany 🔗 LinkedIn: @jayelleceeandcompany 📌Pinterest: @jayelleceeandcompany 🎈***NATIONWIDE*** 🎈Balloon Deliveries: 💻Website: ✨Join the “BALLOON WORLD” Club here on Clubhouse. Click the first icon below - right under “Member of” 👇🏽