Jason Steinhauer
Author and founder of History Club. On Substack: jasonsteinhauer.substack.com. Me: ✨Author of “History, Disrupted: How Social Media and the World Wide Web Have Changed the Past.” ✨Public historian ✨Former Founding Director ✨Previously at the Library of Congress ✨Presidential Counselor to the National WWII Museum ✨Global Fellow at The Wilson Center and Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute ✨Delegate to the Open Scholarship Initiative ✨Published in CNN, TIME, Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Inside Higher Ed ✨Helped build the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame ✨Lived in the Dominican Republic ✨Former Grammy voter ✨Had a music video on MTV ✨Award-winning museum curator ✨Certified archivist ✨Clubhouse user #7086