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Jakki Underwood




Nursepreneur! True Caregiver! For me, It Is My God Given Gift! My Moto: What you make happen for others, God will make happen for you!! 🩺Registered Nurse💉for almost 30 yrs. LOVE helping people. Served in Gen Med, Tele, Oncology, Hospice, Home Health, work with Adults with Developmental Disability, etc, etc, etc! New project: NURSE MOVES!! 👩🏽‍⚕️ A Revolutionary Movement that will change the lives of ALL NURSES! Watch out for more info real soon. YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH!!! 💪🏽🏋🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️🍆🥗🥦🥕 I help others become healthier, lose weight, eat better, when they find that difficult to do alone. It’s all about changing those bad habits. I have a successful 12 week weight loss program, designed to help you lose 21+ pounds in 12 weeks. Email me for info - [email protected]. Executive Director: “Protect 🛡 Your Temple Fitness” Website - Email- [email protected] Number- 833-798-3488 My 10k card - 👇🏼 Health/Fitness Coach - I believe that we ought to be good stewards over our bodies, and know that Your Body is a Temple. It is your responsibility to Protect it🤸🏾🏋🏽‍♂️. And, you ARE what you eat! 🍎🍌🥦🥑 As an RN, I understand the body. Remember, you may have many chances in life, but you ONLY have 1️⃣ body. Mindset Is Key! You have what you say! “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. Your Mindset is everything. Change Your Mind, Change Your Life‼️ 🔎🔎🔎🔎🔎 A bit about Who I Am. “COACH JAKKI” 💰Entrepreneur! Unemployable! 👩🏽‍⚕️Registered Nursepreneur, MSN 🏋🏽‍♂️Certified Personal Trainer💪🏽 👩🏽‍🍳Certified Nutritional Coach🍎🥦🥑 ⭕️Expert Hula Hoopist - 10 lbs hoops ⭕️CEO - Hoop Fitness by Jakki 🛡CEO - Protect Your Temple Fitness 👩🏽‍💼CEO - Seasoned You (Women Empowerment) ✈️ Lover of Travel - I am a Travel Professional/Architect! I help Design Your Idea Life! I am a Dream Maker! Making you travel dreams come true!! 🙏🏽 Ordained Minister - *Most Important; I am called by God to do His Will first!! My FAITH is Ridiculous and My Praise 🙌🏽 is for REAL!! You can’t put my light out! 💡💡💡I Always Shine! OHhhhhh, I Love my Fur Baby Boy, “LEGEND CODY” 🐕‍🦺😌. He is gone way to early, this broke my heart! 💔