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It’s 2023! Over 1 billion people are living their entire lives without electricity, and that number is increasing every year. Families burn kerosene or diesel fuel in old Coke bottles. The smoke is comparable to four packs of cigarettes per day. It’s difficult to imagine, but 3.2 million people die every year from kerosene related illness and burning in their sleep when these bottles overheat and break. The solution: Hand-powered survival generators which need no fuel, no solar panels, no batteries, and no electrical infrastructure. Help bring these life saving generators to women in Africa, India, Ukraine, Haiti, etc who make less than $1 per day. Buy-1-send-1 to a woman in need. Families produce power to charge mobile devices and light their homes. They sell power to others to earn more money in a few minutes than they usually make in an entire day. $1 per day gets paid forward to create generators and jobs for more women. When you or your friends buy a SpinGen, we send one to a woman in need. She is your “Power Partner”. Power Partners make $20-$40 per day minus $1 to pay forward. 💥 (Make your challenge video to support) If you can’t buy one, please consider donating to this job creation program. *Become an ambassador and help us promote! Everyone should stop everything and buy $1 worth of bitcoin on the cash app Venmo or PayPal right now. Banks will continue to take excessive risk, bringing the world to financial collapse then get bailed out by taxpayers. The money central banks print to bail out Wall Street will continue to devalue the dollars in your account. Use Bitcoin to opt out of the corrupt system of debt slavery, usury and broken money. Get paid to walk every day and cash out or hold the token at .007 now. 10k users brings the token up to $3. Https:// ₿e the change. 🏡CarbonCapture 🚤 Electric JetSki 🏄🏼‍♀️ 🌊UltraMarine.ocean
